sh*t or get off the pot: game dump (overview, 19th may)

It's May and I'm making things again!

For along time now, imposter syndrome as rendered me pretty much gameless. I wasn't playing much, and I certainly wasn't writing. But now summer is kicking in and my mood has perked up, and I get the urge to revisit everything I've abandoned. The Shit or Get Off the Pot Game Jam is exactly what I needed to start writing, and not stop writing: damn things making sense or being good, just make. Not to toot my own flute, but I think some of these games have some potential, and I have plans to revisit and polish some of them up.  For now, though, the challenge of the jam is to write and publish ten games during May. I stumbled into the jam a few days ago, so I've got some time to make up, but I'm already four (and a half) games in, so things are looking good. 

I'm updating the game with new PDFs whenever I complete something, so keep an eye out if you're interested in these little turds. 

So far, here's a run-down of what I've created:

We Only Have a Moment is an episode covering the single moment that a dangerous force (eldritch, divine, human? who knows?) attacks. Make near impossible rolls to escape your fate. It's poetic, it's vague, it's simple. It is partly inspired by the roll-as-you-go narrative style of Red Snow which is a game I love very much. 

Bingo of Impossibility is (you guessed it!) a bingo card of impossible occurrences. Is it a poem? Is it a game? Can it even be played? If you figure it out, please, let me know!

When Nothing Remains is, well, just a pretty little thing. It is a list of questions about an end and roadmap to a new beginning. Is it a game? How the hell do I know, friend: what even is a game? It's flowery and hopeful, and that's what counts. 

Ask Auntie is a futuristic agony aunt column. Concerned citizens write to you for aid in the weeks and months after the rapture. I'm starting to realise that, as much as I like guidance, when I'm writing my own games, I prefer not to write instructions. I just let people feel out the vibes and go. I imagine this to be a sort of journaling/epistolary style game where you sit and generate advice for your (mostly) adoring fans, but maybe not. Maybe it's a worldbuilding supplement, or fodder for a blackout poem, or [insert the endless possibilities here]. 

I have one game that's about 95% done that I fully intent on returning to later. The other five games are unwritten mysteries, but I'm sure they wont be for long. It's good to be back!


we only have a moment.pdf 1.5 MB
37 days ago
bingo of impossibility.pdf 36 kB
37 days ago
when nothing remains.pdf 62 kB
37 days ago
ask auntie.pdf 90 kB
37 days ago

Get sh*t or get off the pot: game dump

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